Eat. Train. Perform.


Hello and welcome!

I am Catherine Voyce

UK registered sports dietitian and clinical dietitian

I work with endurance athletes of all abilities to optimise their nutrition for health and performance.

My approach to nutrition coaching is holistic and personalised, focussing on each athlete as an individual with their unique goals, lifestyle and dietary needs.

Mountain biking sport nutrition


Nutrition is often an overlooked aspect of training, but getting it right supports you to achieve your optimal performance. Nutrition is one of the key factors determining how your body adapts to exercise by providing the nutrients it needs to achieve consistent training, maximise recovery, reduce risk of illness and injury, support bone health and help maintain motivation and mood.

Particular problems that a sports dietitian can help with include optimising hydration, training the gut to tolerate food and fluids during exercise and adjusting nutrition around training to get the maximal benefit and adaptation from each session. An investment in professional sports nutrition advice can help you maximise the effect of your training, make sustainable changes to your nutrition and achieve your goals.



    Individual consultations personalised to meet your performance goals


    Nutrition coaching for teams or clubs can be provided as talks, workshops or contract